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Thursday 18 August 2016

Tips On How To Reduce Stress Over The Weekend

Have you ever found yourself in a situation when everything you have to do seems like it has no ending. Deadlines are approaching for you to meet up a project and you find yourself saying oh lord i'm stressed. believe me, it happens to anyone. stress comes in different form and there are many ways to overcome most of them.But today we will focus on how to overcome "The Weekend Stress"
To be at your best for the coming week , you need to add all the tips below to your daily routine and let them to work for you. Now lets begin;

  • Reduce Your television Time
After spending more than half of the day at work, school etc, many people often think OK it's weekend and i'm going to watch the heck out of everything i have missed, therefore spending so much time on the TV which is very consuming and energy draining.Yes! just sitting down strains your eyes , your nerves and all. Note please, television is not a way to reduce stress.
Sociologist found that 30% people who are usually sad, unhappy and depressed tends to watch TV more than people who are happy. Also cut down the time spent on social media. i'll rather watch TV for few hours and take even if it's an hour nap during the weekend, it helps you a lot to recover yourself. It's really refreshing try it.

  • Spend Time With Your friends
Social engagements makes life pretty much easier for us to deal with. Imagine a world without friends or loved ones at that. Spending maximum and quality time with good friends can add more years to your life.Why? you forget about your worries, you change your environment, you exchange thoughts and ideas.. i have this friend when i'm down, mare seeing him alone makes me laugh and strength comes into me . So engage with the right clicks that makes you YOU.
Research has shown that social gatherings has encouraged people to spend time and money in creating experiences which makes people happier than material object. As such, plan a weekend night to the movies or beach, take pictures. Makes the outing memorable and in a week you would enjoy the benefits of the outing.

  • Exercise That Body
Did you know just by exercising for minimum of 15-30 mins during the weekend has the tendency to ignite the release of certain endorphin which can make you really feel good and also satisfy the need to excel.Exercise helps you feel in total control of your physical and mental state.Yes! sometimes i feel really tired, you know that feeling when your bored but too lazy to hangout? i just get up and start jumping, funny right? as funny as it is the blood in your body begins to regulate well thereby sending good flow of blood to all the channels it is needed for activeness and releases oxygen into you.Wow! you should do that, it helps a lot. Any type of exercise is good but adopting an outdoor exercise is more beneficial .
Research shows proves that people who do outdoor work outs tends to be consistent and benefit more from it than people who do the indoor exercise. Get one on two people to who do the outdoor for motivation. Doing this alone at weekend gives you loads energy to kick start the week.

  • Compress Your Household Chores
Household chores is one of the most time consuming stress agents ever during the weekend. Imagine a pilled up clothes, dishes and dirt here and there from the weekday to the weekend and you need to tidy them all . It's best to best to set out specific hours for your chores during the weekend. Doing so will allow you separate time for different activities and manage your time effectively. Just in case the load is too much for you alone, you might consider paying  or getting people to help you around that.YES!

  • Volunteer And Attend Religious Gatherings
Research proves that, having faith is and praying irrespective of being religious satisfies a need to a part of something bigger than ourselves . Volunteering is when you make yourself available freely to meet up someones want or need and derive pleasure from it. it comes naturally and it works. it makes me feel fulfilled in there. Doing this spiritual practices and voluntary service have the ability to change the brain structure in a way that promotes a sense well-being. Consider setting up a time for this during the weekend and see how naturally forces  sky rockets you up.

  • Change Your Sunday Nights
Studies has shown that human tends to remember there unpleasant experiences in a worse manner if they expect so much experiences to re-occur. this can be contributed to why some people ruin there Sunday night by dreading the work to come in the week ahead.
Get yourself ready enough for the week. set the clothes for the week so you don't wake up being confused, have an insight already of a bright week ahead.

That's all!

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Sarah said...

hahaha! interesting.. my weekends are always un-organized. As for the exercise thing i think i'll have to work on that .

Anonymous said...

I sleep all tru.. anybody wey 1 see me go come houx

sexy steel said...

The weknd is almst here.. can't wait

Unknown said...

How far?

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