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Sunday 14 August 2016


This is a Fiction Story that features imaginary events,people and provides facts about real things going on in our society. Kennedy Blog Entertainment Proudly Presents
I advice you sit-down, get a glass of water and feel the writers passion. 
The story starts now!

I was born in  a thunderstorm
I grew up overnight 
We never can really tell what life has in stock for us..
When i was young, i always wanted to be an adult, look at me Now!!
After my last breakup with Marshall Balogun i swore never to let my guard down
I gave up on LOVE
I got married to my carrier
MY NAME IS  NATASHA MBUOTIDEM, I'M 29, I hail from the southern region of Nigeria. I'm presently the regional manager of one of the world's most leading multinational companies in West-Africa, STONE-AGE NIGERIA.
I learnt more from my worst and it has contributed to me becoming my best

                  ****Music skit-This could be us by Rae Sremmurd*******

Alarm rings..
I can feel the fresh morning dew breaking ways to pave into my tender skin
The sky is dark, not sunset yet
Dizzy eyes. it's 4:30AM already
Same daily routine, my ear pods on, Adidas tracksuit on, laces my yeezzy kit, i'm out to jog.
Back home, refreshes up, takes a glass of tea. it's 6:00AM 
i'm set for work. 

MALLAM MUSA: "Sir good morning!!"
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: why must Musa always refer to me as Sir? "Musa morning.. just quit your drama and please open the gate".
Starts car engine.. on the move
My favourite song is on "Controlla" by "Drake"
In a busy city like Lagos you need some level of enthusiasm to surface through the early hours uncontrollable traffic
It's 7:30AM. I just arrived STONE-AGE NIGERIA

--Still walking down to the entrace door of STONE-AGE--
Clicks door button
Steps in
On going user verification, body scan

ANDROID:"Miss Natasha Mbuotidem good morning.. i am glad to see you. Welcome"
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM:"Andriod good morning"
ANDROID: "ACCESS GRANTED, have a nice day Ma'm".

Today was the 28th day of the month
 I have a presentation to deliver, I'm known for my capabilities. i always dish out my contents well enough. when ever i show up to new firms they get to wonder why a lady like me occupies STONE-AGE regional managers position, so when i Natasha Mbuotidem speaks they understand my full potentials.
Oppss>>> My presentation just started

NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: ...... then i ended my speech "the path STONEAGE will take is unseen yet and the part we have taken has a clear trial. Thank you".
BOARD OF DIRECTORS:*##VIEWS* I could see a mouth dropping jaw from one of the B.O.D's at my right wing, amazed faces of full satisfaction.
I was just wrapping off clearing my desk, 20 steps away from the meeting room.. i heard a thick baritone voice traveling down to my sensory organs 

NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: i turned to take a glance look, OMG!!
                                                  It has happened before, my blood shot eyes heart pounding. such                                                   attraction coming from my inside. does he have a magnet on                                                           him?
                                                  I had to control my adrenaline 
                                                  "Hey hello"
UNKNOWN STRANGER: Reaches out for a handshake "My name is Bright Olanrewaju, C.E.O CSSN (Cyber Crime Security Nigeria) it's a pleasure meeting you. who the hell are you?" with so much amusement and curiosity
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: I already knew where Mr Elegant was headed, C'mon i'm 29. we run these things "Oh nice meeting you Olanrewaju"
BRIGHT OLANREWAJU: "Oh please call me Waju, i was wondering if we could really get to know ourselves the more. Its TGIF, we could talk over some bottles of champagne after work" he reaches his pocket in search of.... "here's my card"
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: "Oh nice, here's mine. call me at 8"
BRIGHT OLANREWAJU: "Thanks sexy, cheers"
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: I gave this smile that had endless endings "bye"
I walked away but he stood right there. i could feel his focus on my backyard.. i hope i was working it well #winks

                                          *****Music skit: Rihanna -Work ft Drake*****

                                                        SIX MONTHS LATER
*Voices in my head* 
I can't deny this is real
I'm holding on so tight
It's crazy right?
I don't wanna die.NO!!!
I fall back laying down on my bed 
Series of missed calls from Waju
This looks unstoppable
Waju is a fighter for this love 
He hacked my heart and got the unlocked my guard
I'm fighting 
I'm finding answers to these questions
My heart burns, i feel the pain i fight in silence
Open flames from Balogun, FIRE!!!!
I had to wake up from these voices in my head
I've been sleeping a thousand years, i gotta open my eyes to everything
You can't trrust your head when you're breaking down. i hardly visit home, i needed to seek refuge
packed up some clothes
Called Mum
Booked a flight. off i go

               ****MUSIC SKIT- LOVE ON THE BRIAN -Rihanna*****

5 days later. I just turned on my phone, i got a text from Waju
After he must have given called me a thousand times
Waju became my HOTLINE BLING
Few days later i had my head clear i thought 
It's time to face this syndrome and treat this disease i'm suffering from called love
I hugged my Mum, farewell

MUSA: "Sir madam, kiaa you looks very radiance, welcomess
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: used to his drama "How are you Musa? please get my stuffs out of the taxi"

It was around 2PM
I had to act fast and throw this weight weigh-er
I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why 
Everytime i come across Waju i see him die a little more
I've been here before
I've spent a life time running from this
I'm prepaid for this
I want to fall down like i'm a broken glass and let Waju pick me up and fix me
I can't give up on love
I laid down my guard
Bird set free!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I picked up my cell phone and placed a call to Waju
BRIGHT OLANREWAJU:: "Hello" in a faint baritone voice
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: "Hey, meet me up by 9, the usual"
Hangs up
I got confused on what to wear
had to make a choice
I'm on my 14 karate stunning sexy dinner gown
Dressing my hair real good
Face check
Wore some seductive fragrance on
I'm at my best
what do you think? wish me luck, i'm nervous
I'm off

                          ***MUSIC SKIT: SIA- Chandelier****

I'm here
I walked in with my heads high
I could feel the radiance of my beauty flaming up here
All eyes on me
But i got my eyes fixed to Waju's
Waju standing up already reaching to give me a hug
Ooops! He pecked me just at the spot i like it the most, my forehead
We got talking ..............
Laughed over a bottle of champagne#Hahaha
I could see my soul already right through his eyes
Waju has the most heavenly words coming right through his mouth
Everything felt ordained from heaven
Then Waju paused for a while with a poker expression on his face
I had my blood shot eyes on again
Curious to know whats up
He starred more like a puppy wanting to attack


BRIGHT OLANREWAJU: "Your light shine so brightest
                                               If i really have to choose over and over again i'll choose you
                                               How do i WIN?
                                               I cannot see my tomorrow if you're not in my tomorrow
                                               I never shoot to miss
                                               Do you know what will happen if i ever loose you....
                                               My heart will stop breathing
                                               My mind will stop working
                                               My strength will turn into weakness"
Love over the Air i could see the cupid boy shooting me arrows to paradise
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM:"With you i'm feeling something that makes me want to stay
                                                I'm prepared for this...."
My speech was cut by a waiter who came by to the table and dropped down a golden stainless plate
I could see a clear reflection of myself from it
Still lost in my own reflection Waju opened it
I was brought back to life
My blood shot eyes again
Before i could play back to focus
Waju was just on his knees
Dressed closed to make contact with me
Immediately, goosed bumps ran down my spine
Curious to know whats happening , to be sure

NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: "What that on you hand?"
BRIGHT OLANREWAJU: Waju went on with his heavenly words, then he made a request "Will you be the one i'll grow old with?, Shasha please MARRY me!"
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: Silence for few seconds, all i could hear and feel was the beat of my hearth.. my body physically present but my heart racing.... running faster than Usain Bolt
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: He woke me up inside.. i had to open up my heart to everything. I said few words straight from my heart " Bring me to Life Waju. YES I WILL" #Smiles#
It was more like he just won a billion dollar contract. Then the magnetic forces between us changed from unlike poles to like poles. i felt the warmth of waju lips on mine, we kissed passionately.I could see love building sky scrappers in the Bahamas already. WOW!
It all seemed liked a dream
That is how love feels right?
Like a dream indeed
Waju whispered soft words into my ears
I let my hair down
He ran his fingers through my hair
i felt the currents of seas dividing
Waju is one of the most sexiest men in Jupiter
He gave it to me live like we were in Mars
I couldn't figure out what planet i was
Can you tell me somewhere where the devil cannot find us?
I don't want to waste another moment hear with love!

I woke up in the morning to ex stranger Waju
Jumped into the shower to wash off the situation
I can tell the differences if i am crying or it's raining
Either way i know there's a change
All i could think of was Waju
I never thought i would love again
We spent weeks together 
I could feel the Love
You know that feeling when you're in love right? confusing.

                   **** MUSIC SKIT:One Dance-Drake*****

It was 1 A.M
I placed a call home
MUM:" Baby Shaha"
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: "Sweetness, how are you?" in a faint voice
MUM:" I'm fine my baby.. is everything okay?"
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM:" Yes Mum. why do u ask?"
MUM:"You sound rather subdued"
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: "MUM.............."
MUM: "NATASHA..........." 
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM:" I'll be home by weekend"
MUM:"Aww.. i like this new you. see you around"
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: "Good night mum"

I run home to clear my head.
They say no place like it
I needed a reality check to believe i wasn't having one of my day dreams
I'm floating
I'm scared of me

                                                         TWO MONTHS LATER
                                                            **WEDDING BELLS**


Waju and I had a successful wedding ceremony
It was the talk of the town
almost every blog including Linda ikeji had the Gist
Regional manager STONEAGE and C.E.O CCSN happy matrimony

A year past by..
things went on well
except that i miscarried
But today, i......................................
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "WAJU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I could feel something break in between my leg.
Its nine months
"The baby is coming" i screamed
BRIGHT OLANREWAJU: rushes up to grab the car keys "Breathe baby, be strong for me, for the baby and for you.. count to a thousand"
I did the process until we got to the Hospital

MUM: "How are you my boy?"
MUM: Singing songs of praises "How is shasha?"
BRIGHT OLAREWAJU: "Shasha is awake and doing well
MUM: Still singing songs of praises "Stay strong"
***Call Ends**

Few hours later
Waju and I in the ward room
BRIGHT OLAREWAJU: " For a moment i thought i was going to loose you"
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: "I risked it all for us"
BRIGHT OLAREWAJU: "You don't know how much you've made me grow. Shasha you've made me aa proud man".
NATASHA MBUOTIDEM: "You did a good work... you made me a proud woman as well"
I reached out for my baby from the nurse, both Waju and i holding her
NURSE:"So what do we call her?"


Thank you for reading this far on WHAT HAPPENED TO EMILY?!! Episode 1
Find out WHAT HAPPENED TO EMILY?!! in Episode 2
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I enjoyed it...can't wait for episode 2

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