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Monday 1 August 2016

PLEASE READ THIS CONVERSATION!Boy: HoneyGirl: DarlingBoy: I want to tell you somethingGirl: go on my love Boy: you know that Ilove you so muchGirl: Yes, even if I was not toldBoy: I want to tell you that Ihave found another lover!Girl: dont furnish me with thatjoke of yours this momentBoy: not a joke my angelGirl: but mine, you said that amthe only lover you haveBoy: yes, I do but.....Girl:(bend down her head andweep silently)after all the promises you madeto me. She turns and left him, the boyran after herand hold her hand and said-Boy: but do you know the nameof the newlover? Girl: (silent)Boy: the new lover is God.Girl: raised up her headBoy: Since I loved him, everynegative thingschanged. I dont know how to express hisgoodness in my life.See my angel, it will be good forboth of us tolove him more than we loveourselves, okay? Girl: I love God..Now if you love God, just type. I love you God

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