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Friday 26 August 2016

INTROVERTS: The Most Attractive People On Earth

Are you an Introvert? Most times people tend to wonder the kind of being they really are, they keep to them-self, usually shy, few friends, not associating with fellow peers, everything seems to revolve within, self thoughts, self love etc. Everything comprises of a being an introvert when you are the opposite of an extrovert. At most times the thought of introverts having problems in the society is unthinkable. With there character and personality, introverts are considered as the most attractive people on planet earth! Introverts keeps a very low profile. Lets take a thought of popular actor "James Bond", Bond has this poker expressions, he doesn't always wear his emotions on his sleeves. He is quite,driven and confident.His has a demeanor style that makes him attractive.

YES. i'll be giving reasons to back this gist up below;

  • They are easy to be around
It sounds surprising to you right? Introverts are one of the best humans to hang around with. They are the most nicest and gracious people on earth you'll ever come across.In a world like ours were every one is always in a rush, having a headache here and there, maybe because of some demands or needs to meet up with another peer, an introvert is always chilled and relaxed. So when you're around them you feel the same peace as they do. A secret you should know when you are around an introvert is that they are crowd draining. They entertain and enjoy small trusted groups, in which when they trust this small group they exhibit there full potentials.

  • They are Good listeners
In a world like ours full of so many extroverts preoccupied with them-self and what's on their own mind. It's really challenging and depressing in our everyday life where nobody ever wants to listen to what you have to say but everybody wants to speak to be heard. So when you find this very person that pays attention to you and finally wants to listen, it's a huge attraction. This is one of the personality of an introvert,YES! They listen more than they speak which makes them very good listeners.He listens with the view to understand well and not reply. It is indeed a rare and special feature that not every being can unlock. This yields to much more healthier relationships and connection.

  • They think Out of the Box and are very Creative
According to research, the most creative people in certain  fields doing amazingly well are introverts. This is as a result of solitude,which is the best ingredient for success.There is this self confidence an introvert possess, and they have no fear of being alone. He adores his privacy and freedom from interruption. In his state of his isolation he gets in touch with the inner prologue. Ask an introvert the right questions and get a responsive answer that will help you in a life time. The natural tendency for an introvert to dwell in solitude, focus on an object, think and act ,makes them very attractive.

  • They are day dreamers
Do you know of someone who can dream and fantasize a lot? I bet you haven't heard the dreams of an introvert. Despite what you've heard before now that dreaming is a waste of time, an introvert gets lost in his mind often and yields a very productive and creative ideas out of dreaming. When you are with an introvert, they inspire you a lot with accumulated dreams resulting to thoughts which are then projected to very useful and powerful ideas. You begin to reason new possibilities from their ideas and find them really attractive,

  • They are loyal
Once you befriend an introvert and he finds trust in you after investing his time on you, no matter what will happen, they will always be loyal to you. They are one of the best humans on earth to reveal a secret to and still confide on them knowing your words are absolutely safe with them. An introvert will defend you when no one else will and will always stand by your side. However, don't just take there loyalty for granted, you might not like the other side of a loyal introvert.

  • They care a lot
Most introverts are usually very generous. They find it as a duty to take care of others who cares about them. They are the ones that will always give you a shoulder to cry, bring some cup of tea when you are cold. They are the ones who can give up everything just to make the people who really care about them the most have a fun and comfortable life. Introverts are the kind of humans who carries out duties for a friend without expecting anything in return. They are beautiful from the inside and the outside, this is what makes them very unique and attractive people.

  • They are self motivated
An introvert is someone who knows who he is, what he wants and what really matters in his life. They are self motivators because of there inward nature, he is motivated to act deeper, internal principles. That is why he pursues his true passion despite the risk and hassle. A person who is self driven, motivated by higher values is always irrefutably attractive.

  • They are mysterious people
An introvert usually has a mysterious impression about himself. People are always curious to know what is going on inside that mind of his, but can never be able to predict mostly. This makes him very enticing and intimidating by others mostly. That's is the core reason why a whole lot of extroverts are misunderstood by introverts in our society.

  • They are Observant
Introverts are always very focused, most especially when they are around new people or environment, the get very observant and see things that others often miss or don't see. when you engage with an introvert, nothing is lost and they always seem to read you faster before you even spill the cat out of your mouth, which is very brilliant and unique. This makes them more attractive as they can decipher codes easily by paying attention with there mind body and soul. The world is an introvert's wonderland with possibilities everywhere.

  • They are word calculative
There is nothing more on earth that makes you look stupid and unattractive faster than saying inappropriate things because you are in a hurry to speak and did not take a break or time to calculate your words. However, an introvert do not speak out of turn. In-fact, an introvert will never alter a word except it is really relevant and important to say, and when he even speaks out the words, it leaves you with an insight of how many interesting things he has in stock inside his mind, leaving you to want to hear more of him. The more an introvert talks, the more fascinated you become and in time you become attracted to his powerful words without even knowing when it happened.

That's All!
 If there are other interesting things you know about introverts you can share with us via the comment box below.
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