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Sunday, 28 August 2016

How do I lose a minimum of 5kg of weight in just 1 week?

Losing weight is not as sacrifice nor as hard as you think, you just have to be clear about three premises and meet them for one week.
If you follow these guidelines in just 7 days you will see how you can lose up to 2 kilos of weight. If you are able to reach and meet the first goal, you've done it! See that you can get will encourage prolong the slimming effort and continue to lose more weight.
Forget fad diets and miracle products, the only real way to lose weight there requires only one thing:

Burn more calories than you consume. And it's very simple. If you lose weight you must burn 500 calories a day more than you consume. For this you have to introduce small changes in your routine: eat better and move a little more and so, almost without realizing it, you have lost that pair of our surplus kilos.
Feeding More vegetables and fruits. At each meal starts with a plate of vegetables, cooked as you like. Eat as much as you want until you feel satisfied.
The contribution of vegetable fiber will make you feel satiated for longer, thus preventing you feel hungry between meals and spades.
Complements egg dishes, fish or lean meat, always accompanied by salad. Banned white bread and refined pasta.
For one week, eliminate from your diet pasta, bread, potatoes and rice.
After the first week, if you're introducing new diet that are unrefined flour.
Drink a lot of water. Moderate your consumption of soft drinks, energy drinks or sports, other than "zero", any of them contain at least 100 calories, whereas you take plenty of water, the calories will be 0 calories.
If it seems boring, add a few slices of lemon. Drink coffee one hour before exercise. The test of the block. If you are really hungry, you eat even an apple apetecería.
If it is not, you really need not eat. Not hungry, you're just bored. Do not skip meals. If you do to eat less, you end up eating more. When you skip a meal, you get much more hunger and devour the next meal, achieving the opposite effect.
Forget the vagaries after eating. Leave sweets after meals, ingerirás less calories than fat and do nothing. Instead take the fruit that you like and all you want.
Hope that helps! In the meantime, there’s a FREE guide that shows you the best diets based on your lifestyle right here:
>>> The Lifestyle Diet Makeover<<<

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